The annual fees are in CHF and they are valid for the 2025 – 2026 school year. They can evolve for the following school year.

COMMUNITYATTENDANCE Monthly School Fees for 10 and a half months- CHFANNUAL School Fees – CHF
Toddlers: 18 months to 3 years oldTime4 days5 days4 days5 days
Mornings8 am – 12 pm1’4001’70015’40018’700
Mornings and lunch time8 am – 13 pm1’7502’10019’25023’100
Full time (meal included) *18 am – 4:30 pm2’3002’90025’30031’900
Children’s House: 3 to 6 years oldTime4 days5 days4 days5 days
Mornings8:15 am – 12 pm9101’1009’55511’550
Mornings and lunch time8:15 am – 1 pm12701 54013’33516’170
Full time (meal included) *28:15 am – 4 pm1’8802’15019’74022’575
Primary: 6 to 12 years old  5 days 5 days
Full time (meal included) *28:15 am – 4 pm2’15022’575
Secondary: 12 to 15 years old5 days 5 days
Full time (meal included) *28:15 am – 4 pm2’15022’575

*1: from Monday to Friday 8.15 am to 4.30 pm
*2: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8.15 am to 4 pm and Wednesday 8.15 am to 1 pm


The sum of CHF 500.- must be paid upon submission of the registration form.

These registration fees guarantee the reservation of your child’s place in the Montessori Meyrin School.

This amount covers your child’s school administrative costs for the toddlers’ community and then each 3 consecutive years. The registration fee will be paid with the subscription for each of the school’s sections: 18 months to 3 years old, 3 to 6 years old, 6 to 9 years old, and 9 to 12 years old.


Children have the opportunity to stay every day after school time until 6pm.

The daycare fee is 15.- CHF per hour. The monthly fee is 350.- CHF.


Visit our Workshops page to see our future workshops.